Hand #7: Hideo Miyamoto Eliminated on the Money Bubble by Markus Garberg

Sep 23, 2018

In Hand #7 of hand-for-hand play on the Money Bubble, Markus Garberg raises, Hideo Miyamoto moves all in, and Garberg snap-calls with Diamond ADiamond K.

Miyamoto turns over Spade AClub J, and needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Heart QSpade 3Diamond 2Club 4Club 7 — Miyamoto turns a gutshot straight draw to possibly chop the pot, but the river card is a blank. Garberg wins the pot with his king kicker to eliminate Miyamoto on the Money Bubble.

Markus Garberg  –  485,000  (97 bb)
Hideo Miyamoto  –  Eliminated on the Money Bubble  ($0)

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