Hand #68: Hung Truong Eliminated in 9th Place ($61,391)

Feb 1, 2013

Hand #68  –  Hung Truong raises from the small blind to 300,000, Cuong Phung moves all in from the big blind, and Truong calls all in for about 1.1 million with [Ac10h]. Phung turns over [5c3d], and Truong is a favorite to double up here.

The board comes [Kd9h6h3cJd], and Phung pairs his three on the turn to win the pot and eliminate Hung Truong from the tournament.

Truong was not happy about being eliminated by five-three offsuit with only nine players left, and he verbally took his frustration out on the poor dealer.

Cuong Phung  –  3,800,000  (47 bb)
Hung Truong  –  Out in 9th Place ($61,391)

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