Hand #68: Danny Schechter Out in 3rd Place ($115,311)

Apr 30, 2013

David Bell raises from the button to 150,000, Danny Schechter reraises from the small blind to 405,000, and Bell moves all in for 4,650,000. Schechter snap-calls with [KdKs]. But Bell turns over [AdAs], and Schechter will need to improve to stay alive.

The board comes [Qd7d5sJd8c], and the pocket aces hold up for David Bell to win the pot and eliminate Danny Schechter in third place.

Seat 2.  Danny Schechter  –  Out in 3rd Place  ($115,311)
Seat 3.  Mike Linster  –  4,300,000  (71 bb)
Seat 5.  David Bell  –  6,245,000  (104 bb)

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