Hand #65: Dan Heimiller Out in 8th Place ($123,000)

Apr 21, 2015

Dan Heimiller
Hand #65  –  Andre Crooks raises from the button to 250,0000, Dan Heimiller (pictured) reraises from the big blind to 700,000, and Crooks moves all in.

Heimiller calls all in for about 3.7 million with AdiamondKclub, and he needs to improve to stay alive against the 9heart9diamond of Crooks.

The board comes 3diamond2diamond2spade10diamondQheart, and the pocket nines hold up for Crooks to win the pot and eliminate Heimiller in eighth place.

Andre Crooks  –  12,800,000  (128 bb)
Dan Heimiller  –  Eliminated in 8th Place  ($123,000)

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