Hand #64: Gary Lucci Doubles Thru Sheraz Nasir

May 6, 2015

Gary Lucci
Sheraz Nasir raises under the gun to 105,000, Gary Lucci moves all in for 1,090,000, and Nasir snap-calls with AheartJheart. Lucci turns over AspadeAdiamond, and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes 6spade5diamond4diamondQspadeQheart, and the pocket aces hold up for Lucci to win the pot and double up in chips.

Seat 2.  Levi Stevens  –  815,000
Seat 3.  Gary Lucci  –  2,225,000
Seat 5.  Sheraz Nasir  –  4,085,000
Seat 6.  Lu Zhang  –  3,960,000

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