Hand #63: Toto Leonidas Doubles Through Kevin Schaffel

Aug 26, 2009

There is no small blind this hand. Kevin Schaffel raises under the gun to 150,000, Toto Leonidas moves all in from the button, and Schaffel calls with [10c10h]. Leonidas shows [KcKd], and he’s a favorite to double up here.

The board comes [Jh3c2d4h4s], and Toto Leonidas wins the pot with his pocket kings to double up.

Seat 2:  Todd Terry  –  1,610,000
Seat 3:  Kevin Schaffel  –  2,785,000
Seat 4:  Prahlad Friedman  –  2,550,000
Seat 6:  Toto Leonidas  –  1,510,000

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