Hand #63: Pedro Palacio Eliminated in 8th Place ($86,740)

Apr 17, 2018

Pedro Palacio Pedro Palacio

Hand #63  –  Tanner Millen raises from the button to 180,000, Pedro Palacio (pictured) moves all in from the small blind for 1,240,000, and Millen calls with Spade AHeart A. Palacio turns over Club AClub 4, and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Diamond ASpade JClub 2Heart 6Heart J, and Millen flops a set of aces to win the pot and eliminate Palacio in eighth place.

Tanner Millen  –  2,885,000  (36 bb)
Pedro Palacio  –  Eliminated in 8th Place  ($86,740)

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