Hand #60: Adrien Amorella Eliminated by Hugo Heiter in 4th Place ($33,242)

Aug 6, 2023

Adrien Amorella

HAND #60: Samy Boujmala opens to 150,000 from the button with Spade QHeart 3 and Hugo Heiter elects to call in the small blind, holding Heart AHeart 10.

Adrien Amorella looks down at Club ASpade 9 and pushes for a total of 1,200,000. Boujmala dips and Heiter calls, putting Amorella at risk of elimination as the cards turn.

Adrien Amorella Adrien Amorella

The dealer fans out Diamond QHeart 9Diamond 6 and Amorella binks a niner to take the lead. The Heart J peels off and Amorella needs to fade a bundle of outs to secure a double.

A flick of the wrist and the Club 10 releases from the dealer, hitting Heiter with a dime to scoop in the chips and Amorella is sent to the payout desk.

Hugo Heiter – 3,900,000 (52 bb)
Adrien Amorella – Eliminated in 4th place for $33,242

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