Hand #6: Craig Stewart Eliminated in 10th Place (CAD $31,910)

Nov 18, 2015

Craig Stewart

Hand #6  –  Darryll Fish raises under the gun to 100,000, Brian Altman calls from middle position, Jared Mahoney calls from the cutoff, and Craig Stewart (pictured) reraises from the button to 400,000 (nearly half his stack). Fish moves all in, and Altman and Mahoney both fold.

Stewart calls all in for 840,000 with Heart KDiamond K, and he needs to improve to stay alive against the Spade ADiamond A of Fish.

The board comes Spade 9Heart 9Club 9Diamond QHeart 3, and the pocket aces hold up for Fish to win the pot and eliminate Stewart from the tournament.

Darryll Fish  –  3,000,000  (75 bb)
Craig Stewart  –  Eliminated in 10th Place  (CAD $31,910)

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