Hand #56-58 - Emile Abi-Daher Jams River

Aug 26, 2024

Hand #56 – Eduard Bagrov opens to 400,000 from the button with Heart JHeart 9. Emile Abi-Daher three-bet jams from the big blind with Spade AHeart 8 and Bagrov quickly folds.

Hand #57 – Aleks Denishev opens to 400,000 from the button with Spade ADiamond 9 and is called by Emile Abi-Daher in the small blind with Heart JDiamond 10.

The Club ASpade 5Heart 3 turn and Heart 2 river are checked through.

On the Heart A river,  Denishev bets 1,100,000 and his opponent folds.

Hand #58 – Emile Abi-Daher limps from the button with Spade AClub K and Aleks Apryan checks his option in the big blind.

On the Club QSpade JHeart 10 flop, Apryan check-calls versus a bet of 300,000 from his opponent.

The Heart 5 rolls off on the turn and Apryan again check-calls versus a bet of 600,000 from Abi-Daher.

The Diamond J river completes the board, and Apryan checks for a third time. Abi-Daher jams for 1,425,000 and Apryan quickly folds.

Emile Abi-Daher – 4,000,000 (20 bb)
Aleks Apryan – 4,400,000 (22 bb)



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