Hand #54: Herbie Montalbano Out in 7th Place ($134,300)

Mar 14, 2014

Hand #54  –  Shaun Suller raises under the gun to 125,000, Herbie Montalbano calls from the small blind, and Garrett Greer calls from the big blind.

The flop comes [Jd8s7d], and Montalbano moves all in for about 1.1 million. Greer folds, and Suller calls with [JcJh] for a set of jacks. Montalbano turns over [9h8h] for a pair of eights with a gutshot straight draw, and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The turn is the [5c], the river is the [Ah], and Suller wins the pot with his set of jacks to eliminate Herbie Montalbano in seventh place on the TV Bubble.

Shaun Suller  –  4,200,000  (84 bb)
Herbie Montalbano  –  Bubbled in 7th Place  ($134,300)

The final six players are now filling out their WPT bio sheets and verifying their chip counts. Official chip counts will be posted soon.

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