Hand #51: Carlos Henningsen Doubles Thru Thomas Hofmann

Sep 11, 2023

Carlos Henningsen
Photo:  Thomas Hofmann (center left) and Carlos Henningsen (standing)

HAND #51  –  Thomas Hofmann raises from the button to 450,000, Carlos Henningsen moves all in from the small blind for 1,250,000, and Hofmann calls with Diamond ASpade K.

Henningsen turns over Heart 10Spade 9, and needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Diamond JDiamond 8Diamond 3Heart 7Heart 8, and Hofmann flops a diamond flush draw, but Henningsen turns a jack-high straight to win the pot and double up in chips.

Carlos Henningsen  –  2,900,000  (15 bb)
Thomas Hofmann  –  6,000,000  (30 bb)

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