Hand #5: Straight Over Straight For Jorgensen Over D'Angelo

Mar 18, 2014

Hand #5  –  Ryan D’Angelo raises under the gun to 45,000, and Ken Jorgensen calls from the button.

The flop comes [Qd10d6s], D’Angelo bets 60,000, and Jorgensen calls. The turn is the [8h], and both players check. The river is the [9c], D’Angelo bets 125,000, Jorgensen raises to 300,000, and D’Angelo calls.

D’Angelo shows [AdJs] for a queen-high straight, but Jorgensen turns over [KcJd] to win the pot with a king-high straight.

Ken Jorgensen  –  1,840,000  (92 bb)
Ryan D’Angelo  –  665,000  (33 bb)

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