Hand #5: Andrea Volpi Doubles Thru Frederic Normand

Feb 5, 2024

Andrea Volpi
Photo:  Andrea Volpi

HAND #5  –  Frederic Normand raises from the button to 250,000, Andrea Volpi moves all in from the small blind for 500,000, and Normand calls with Heart JHeart 9.

Volpi turns over Heart QDiamond Q, and needs it to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Heart 10Diamond 8Spade 4Spade 5Spade 8, and Normand flops an open-ended straight draw, but improves no further. Volpi wins the pot with his pocket queens to double up in chips.

Normand smiles and says, “It seems unfair. Four big blinds with queens?”

Andrea Volpi  –  1,250,000  (10 bb)
Frederic Normand  –  7,000,000  (56 bb)

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