Hand #49: J.J. Liu Eliminated in 8th Place ($48,243)

Jan 27, 2010

Hand #49  –  Jonathan Kantor raises from middle position to 40,000, and J.J. Liu moves all in behind him for 74,000. James Reed calls from the button, and Kantor moves all in over the top. Reed folds. 

Kantor shows [AcAd], and he dominates Liu’s [8h8s]. J.J. Liu will need to improve to stay alive. 

The board comes [9c6s4sKdJs], and Kantor wins the pot with his pocket aces. (Inexplicably, when Liu is drawing to two outs after the turn, Kantor asks if anyone else folded an eight.) J.J. Liu is eliminated in eighth place, earning $48,243. 

J.J. Liu  –  Out in 8th Place ($48,243)

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