Hand #48: John Caridad Doubles Through Eric Panayiotou

Jul 15, 2010

John Caridad opens for 140,000 from early position and Eric Panayiotou calls from the small blind.

The flop comes [AsKh9c], Panayiotou checks, Caridad bets 220,000 and Panayiotou calls.

The turn is the [10c], Panayiotou checks, Caridad bets 565,000 and Panayiotou calls.

The river is the [9s], Panayiotou checks, Caridad moves all in for 1,600,000 and Panayiotou calls. Caridad turns over [AhKd] for top two pair while Panayiotou shows A-10 for a smaller two pair.

Caridad – 5,040,000
Panayiotou – 1,060,000

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