Hand #46: Thomas Taylor Doubles Thru Rene Fortin

May 4, 2016

Fortin doubles Taylor

Hand #46  –  Thomas Taylor (pictured) raises under the gun to 60,000, and Rene Fortin calls from the small blind. The flop comes Club JSpade 9Spade 7, Fortin checks, Taylor bets 105,000, and Fortin calls.

The turn card is the Club 9, Fortin moves all in, and Taylor calls all in for 415,000 with Heart 7Club 7 for a set of sevens. Fortin turns over Diamond 10Diamond 9 for a pair of nines with a gutshot straight draw, and Taylor needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The river card is the Spade A, and Taylor wins the pot with his set to double up in chips.

Thomas Taylor  –  1,240,000  (41 bb)
Rene Fortin  –  330,000  (11 bb)

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