Hand #44: Antonio Alfaia Eliminated by Ji Yang in 7th Place ($12,386)

Oct 2, 2023

Antonio Alfaia

Hand #44:

Antonio Alfaia (pictured) raises to 150,000 with Heart QDiamond Q from early position and Ji Yang raises to 175,000 with Heart KSpade K from the button. Alfaia calls. 

The flop comes Diamond 9Club 5Diamond 2, Alfaia bets 425,000, and Yang shoves for 1,000,00. Alfaia calls all in got 960,000.

The turn, Diamond 5 and river Spade 2 make it official.

Alfaia becomes the seventh place finisher. 

Ji Yang – 2,500,000 (33 bb)
Antonio Alfaia – Eliminated in 7th Place ($12,386.20)

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