Hand #42: Otis Wright Eliminatd in 8th Place ($49,653)

Jan 26, 2011

Hand #42 – Alexander Kuzmin raises to 25,000 from early position and Ryan Hughes calls on the button. Otis Wright is in the small blind and makes it 65,000 to go.  Both Kuzmin and Hughes call and they go three-ways to a flop of [Ks9s4h].

Wright checks, Kuzmin bets 90,000, and Hughes folds.  Wright check-raises to 300,000 and Kuzmin announces he is all-in, having Wright slightly covered.

Wright calls and shows [AhAc], but he is in bad shape against Kuzmin’s [Kh9h] for two pair.  The [5c] is no help to Wright, nor is the the [10c] on the river.  Kuzmin rakes in the massive pot and Wright is eliminated.

Alexander Kuzmin – 1,810,000 (180 BBs)
Otis Wright – eliminated in 8th place ($49,653)

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