Hand #4: Herbie Montalbano Doubles Thru Mukul Pahuja

Mar 13, 2014

Hand #4  –  James Carroll raises from the cutoff to 90,000, Mukul Pahuja reraises from the button to 235,000, and Herbie Montalbano moves all in from the big blind for 650,000.

Carroll folds, and Pahuja calls with [Ah3c]. Montalbano turns over [AsJs], and he needs it to hold to stay alive.

The board comes [QdJh8c10sJd], and Montalbano wins the pot with trip jacks to double up in chips.

Herbie Montalbano  –  1,445,000  (36 bb)
Mukul Pahuja  –  4,750,000  (118 bb)

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