Hand #4: Fabien Motte Eliminated on the Money Bubble by Philippe Le Touche

Jun 9, 2018

Fabien Motte bubble boy
Photo:  Fabien Motte (center, in white) and Philippe Le Touche (right, in blue) wait for action to finish at the other tables before they can turn over their cards.

In Hand #4 of hand-for-hand play on the Money Bubble, Fabien Motte raises from the hijack, Philippe Le Touche reraises from the cutoff to 40,000, and Motte moves all in for 131,000.

Le Touche tanks for a while before he calls with Spade ASpade 4, but Motte turns over Club AHeart K. Motte needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Spade JDiamond 7Spade 3Heart 3Club 4 — Le Touche flops a spade flush draw, turns outs to a chop, and pairs his four on the river to win the pot. Fabien Motte is the unfortunate bubble finisher, eliminated in 32nd place when only the final 31 get paid.

Philippe Le Touche  –  650,000  (130 bb)
Fabien Motte  –  Eliminated on the Money bubble

The remaining 31 players are all guaranteed at least €2,025 each.

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