Hand #37: Wendy Vo Doubles Thru Mark Scacewater

Jun 17, 2019

Hand #37  –  Peter Walsworth raises from the hijack to 225,000, Wendy Vo moves all in from the button for 440,000, and Mark Scacewater thinks for a while before he moves all in over the top from the big blind. Walsworth folds.

Vo turns over Diamond 8Club 8, but she needs to improve to stay alive against Scacewater’s Spade JClub J.

The board comes Club 10Heart 5Club 2Spade 8Diamond 4, and Vo spikes an eight on the turn to win the pot with a set of eights and double up in chips.

Wendy Vo  –  1,030,000  (10 bb)
Mark Scacewater  –  1,710,000  (17 bb)

From the time that the field was down to 22 players, this is at least the sixth time that Wendy Vo has survived an all-in situation to double up. Here are links to the previous five hands we’ve reported:

Wendy Vo Doubles Thru Kevin Greene

Wendy Vo Doubles Thru Fabian Foster

Wendy Vo Doubles Thru Jonathan Hilton

Wendy Vo Doubles Thru Carleen Heath

Hand #26: Wendy Vo Doubles Thru Peter Walsworth

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