Hand #35: Olga Iermolcheva Takes the Chip Lead

Dec 18, 2022

Olga Iermolcheva
Photo:  Olga Iermolcheva

Olga Iermolcheva raises from the button to 120,000 with Club KHeart Q, and Kathy Liebert calls from the big blind with Diamond 10Heart 9.

The flop comes Club JDiamond 9Diamond 5, Liebert checks, Iermolcheva bets 180,000, and Liebert check-raises to 450,000. Iermolcheva calls.

The turn card is the Spade K, Liebert checks, Iermolcheva bets 325,000, and Liebert tanks for a while before she calls.

The river card pairs the board with the Club 5, Liebert checks, Iermolcheva bets 650,000, and Liebert tanks for a while before she folds. Iermolcheva takes the pot — and the chip lead.

Seat 1.  Lina Niu  –  5,710,000  (95 bb)
Seat 3.  Olga Iermolcheva  –  6,555,000  (109 bb)
Seat 4.  Dusti Smith  –  2,510,000  (42 bb)
Seat 5.  Kathy Liebert  –  875,000  (15 bb)
Seat 6.  Cindy Spier  –  1,735,000  (29 bb)

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