Hand #34: Luigi Pignataro Eliminated in 5th Place (€32,500)

Jun 10, 2024

Luigi Pignataro
Photo: Luigi Pignataro

HAND #34 – Luigi Pignataro shoves for a total of 2,225,000 in the cutoff and quickly receives a call from Uladzimir Luchkou, putting Pignataro at risk.

Luigi Pignataro: Club KClub 8
Uladzimir Luchkou: Heart JClub J

A flick of the wrist by the dealer reveals Spade 9Diamond 5Club 3 which gives Pignataro little to be excited about.

The Spade 4 turn and Diamond 2 river seal it for Luchkou who sends another to the rail in back-to-back hands.

Uladzimir Luchkou – 9,800,000 (39 bb)
Luigi Pignataro – Eliminated in 5th Place (€32,500)

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