Hand #33: Erich Tedeschi Eliminated in 7th Place (€20,000)

Feb 5, 2024

Erich TedeschiPhoto: Erich Tedeschi

Erich Tedeschi moves all in for 275,000 and is called by Fred Normand and Andrea Volpi in the blinds.

On the flop Heart 2Heart 5Spade 7, Normand leads for 200,000 and Volpi calls. The Heart K appears on the turn and Normand continues for 575,000 and Volpi calls. 

On the river Spade J, Normand checks, Volpi announces a bet of 2,400,000 and Normand folds. 

Volpi then tables X QHeart 10 for a queen-high flush while Tedeschi flips over Diamond 8Club 8 for a pair of eights. Volpi is awarded the sizeable pot while Tedeschi is eliminated in 7th place. 

Andrea Volpi – 7,800,000 (39 bb)
Frederic Normand – 5,000,000 (25 bb)
Eric Tedeschi – Eliminated in 7th place (€20,000)


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