Hand #32: Phil Ivey Takes a Big Chip Lead

Jul 15, 2010

Phil Ivey raises under the gun to 200,000, and John Caridad calls from the big blind. The flop comes [KdJh10s], Caridad checks, Ivey bets 300,000, and Caridad thinks for 30 seconds before he calls.

The turn card pairs the board with the [10d], and both players check. The river card is the [6h], and they check again. Ivey shows A-J to win the pot with two pair, jacks and tens, and Caridad mucks.

Seat 1.  Phil Ivey  –  4,545,000
Seat 2.  Justin Smith  –  2,060,000
Seat 3.  Rob Akery  –  1,155,000
Seat 4.  Eric Afriat  –  1,595,000
Seat 5.  Moritz Kranich  –  1,665,000
Seat 6.  John Caridad  –  3,110,000

There wasn’t much distance between Phil Ivey and John Caridad before the hand started, but now Ivey has opened up a big chip lead.

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