Hand #3: Peter Lin Eliminated in 9th Place (AUD $84,299)

Sep 26, 2023

Peter Lin
Photo:  Peter Lin

HAND #3  –  Peter Lin raises under the gun to 100,000, Romain Morvan moves all in from the small blind for 4,830,000, and Lin thinks for a while before he calls all in for about 1,000,000 with Heart AHeart Q.

Morvan turns over Heart JDiamond J, and Lin needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Heart KSpade 7Spade 6Spade JSpade 9, and Lin turns a gutshot straight draw, but improves no further. Morvan wins the pot with a set of jacks to eliminate Lin in ninth place.

Romain Morvan  –  5,825,000  (146 bb)
Peter Lin  –  Eliminated in 9th Place  (AUD $84,299)

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