Hand #3: Corrie Wunstel Out in 10th Place ($19,827)

Feb 10, 2014

Corrie Wunstel
Hand #3  –  Shannon Shorr raises from middle position to 42,000, Corrie Wunstel (pictured above) moves all in from the cutoff for 670,000, and Shorr thinks for a bit before he calls with [9c9h]. Wunstel turns over [8d8s], and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes [Ad9d6hAh2c], and Shorr wins the pot with a full house, nines full of aces, to eliminate Corrie Wunstel from the tournament.

Shannon Shorr  –  3,170,000  (158 bb)
Corrie Wunstel  –  Out in 10th Place  ($19,827)

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