Hand #26: Shannon Shorr Takes a 500,000+ Pot From Alex Kuzmin

Jan 27, 2011

Shannon Shorr raises from the button to 30,000, Alex Kuzmin reraises from the big blind to 85,000, and Shorr thinks for a bit before he calls. The flop comes [JcJh10h], Kuzmin bets 70,000, and Shorr thinks for about 30 seconds before he raises to 170,000. Kuzmin thinks for nearly a minute before he calls.

The turn card is the [7d], Kuzmin checks, Shorr bets 225,000, and Kuzmin folds. Shannon Shorr takes the pot to the cheers of his friends and family.

Seat 1.  Alex Kuzmin  –  1,213,000
Seat 2.  Pat Mahoney  –  839,000
Seat 3.  Leif Force  –  651,000
Seat 5.  Shannon Shorr  –  1,310,000
Seat 6.  Allen Carter  –  2,450,000

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