Hand #24: Jaroslaw Osinski Eliminated in 9th Place ($83,000)

Apr 23, 2024

Jaroslaw Osinski
Photo:  Jaroslaw Osinski

HAND #24  –  Alex Queen raises under the gun to 400,000, Jaroslaw Osinski moves all in from middle position for 2,975,000, and Queen calls with Heart ASpade Q.

Osinski turns over Diamond KDiamond Q, and he’s dominated as he faces elimination.

The board comes Diamond AClub KClub 9Spade JClub 7, and Osinski turns a gutshot straight draw for a potential chop, but misses his outs on the river. Queen wins the pot with a flopped pair of aces to eliminate Osinski in ninth place.

Alex Queen  –  13,100,000  (66 bb)
Jaroslaw Osinski  –  Eliminated in 9th Place  ($83,000)

Jaroslaw Osinski Jaroslaw Osinski
Photo:  Jaroslaw Osinski

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