Hand #21: Cho Youngwoo Out in 9th Place ($15,685)

Oct 26, 2014

Photo: Cho Youngwoo (center) moves all in on the turn against Yuichi Sumida (far left).

Hand #21  –  Yuichi Sumida min-raises from the hijack to 48,000, and Cho Youngwoo calls from the small blind.

The flop comes [Kc9d6c], Youngwoo bets 101,000, and Sumida calls.

The turn card is the [10h], Youngwoo moves all in for 391,000, and Sumida thinks for a while before he calls with [Kh7h] (pair of kings). Youngwoo turns over [Ac3c] for a club flush draw, and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The river card is the [Jh], and Sumida wins the pot with a pair of kings to eliminate Youngwoo from the tournament.

Cho Youngwoo  –  Eliminated in 9th Place  ($15,685)

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