Hand #21: Alon Messica Eliminated in 7th Place by Brad Owen

May 17, 2024

Alon MessicaPhoto: Alon Messica

Brad Owen opens to 250,000 from the cutoff and Alon Messica defends from the big blind to see a flop of Diamond 7Spade 10Spade 7

Messica checks, Owen bets 150,000, Messica check-raises to 425,000, and Owen calls after some thought. 

On the turn Heart 3, Messica checks, Owen bets 700,000, and Messica calls. 

The river falls the Club 4 and Messica checks, Owen fires for 1,800,000, and Messica jams for more. 

Owen snap-calls and tables Diamond 10Club 10 for the flopped top-full house against Messica’s Spade 9Club 7 for trip sevens. Owen is shipped the pot while Messica is eliminated in 7th place on the TV Final Table bubble. 

Brad Owen – 13,050,000 (104 bb)
Alon Messica – Eliminated in 7th place ($29,500)

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