Hand #20: Emanuele Carpignano Doubles Thru Anthony Zinno

Feb 15, 2015

Hand #20  –  Anthony Zinno raises UTG+1 to 75,000, and Emanuele Carpignano calls from the cutoff. The flop comes Adiamond10club6club, Zinno checks, Carpignano bets 125,000, and Zinno check-raises to 500,000.

Carpignano moves all in for about 800,000, and Zinno calls with AheartKdiamond for a pair of aces. Carpignano turns over 10spade10heart for a set of tens, and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The turn is the Kclub, giving Zinno two pair, and the river is the 4spade. Carpignano wins the pot with his set of tens to double up in chips.

Emanuele Carpignano  –  1,370,000  (45 bb)
Anthony Zinno  –  2,250,000  (75 bb)

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