Hand #2: Christopher Puetz Cracks Aces with Jack-Seven to Knock Out Oliver Weis on the Bubble

Jul 15, 2022

Oliver Weis
Photo:  While Oliver Weis waited for the rest of the field to finish their hands, his friends gathered behind him for support.

In Hand #2 of hand-for-hand play on the Money Bubble, Christopher Puetz raises from the hijack to 25,000, Oliver Weis moves all in from the big blind for 73,000, and Puetz tanks for a fairly long time before he calls.

Action is paused while they wait for all of the other tables to complete their action, and then they turn over their cards.

Weis shows Diamond AClub A, and Puetz turns over Spade JSpade 7. Weis needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Club QDiamond 7Club 2Heart 7Spade 5, and Puetz pairs his seven on the flop and turns trips to win the pot and eliminate Weis on the Money Bubble.

Christopher Puetz  –  873,000  (87 bb)
Oliver Weis  –  Eliminated

The remaining 148 players are in the money, guaranteed at least $8,500 each.

Christopher Puetz
Photo:  WPT Champions Club Member Christopher Puetz

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