Hand #19: Takashi Ogura Out in 8th Place ($11,400)

Dec 18, 2013

Hand #19  –  Kosei Ichineese raises UTG+1 to 25,000, Masato Yokosawa calls from the button, Chane Kampanatsanyakorn calls from the small blind, and Takashi Ogura moves all in from the big blind for 137,000.

Ichineese folds, and Yokosawa tanks for a while before he calls. Kampanatsanyakorn tanks for a while before he folds.

Yokosawa shows [Ad10c], and he’ll need it to hold to stay alive against the [QhJc] of Ogura.

The board comes [Ks8c7d7hQs], and Ogura pairs his queen on the river to win the pot and eliminate Ogura from the tournament.

Masato Yokosawa  –  660,000  (55 bb)
Takashi Ogura  –  Out in 8th Place  ($11,400)

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