Hand #17: Landon Tice Doubles Thru Jaroslaw Osinski

Apr 23, 2024

Landon Tice
Photo:  Landon Tice

HAND #17  –  Landon Tice raises under the gun to 450,000, and Jaroslaw Osinski quickly reraises to 2,000,000. Tice four-bets all in for 5,300,000.

Osinski quickly calls with Spade JDiamond J, but Tice turns over Spade AHeart A.

The board comes Diamond KHeart 6Club 3Heart QDiamond 9, and the aces hold up for Tice to win the pot and double up in chips.

Landon Tice  –  11,100,000  (56 bb)
Jaroslaw Osinski  –  3,700,000  (19 bb)

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