Hand #164: Nathan Hall Doubles Thru Jeffrey Cormier

Aug 25, 2016

Hand #164  –  Jeffrey Cormier limps for 120,000, Nathan Hall raises to 300,000, and Cormier calls.

Both players check to the turn on a board of Diamond KSpade 10Club 2Club 7, Hall bets 280,000, Cormier moves all in, and Hall snap-calls all in for 1,035,000 with Spade KClub K for a set of kings.

Cormier turns over Club 9Heart 7 for a pair of sevens, and he’s drawing dead.

The meaningless river card is the Club 4, and Hall wins the pot with his set to double up in chips.

Nathan Hall  –  2,710,000  (23 bb)
Jeffrey Cormier  –  9,525,000  (79 bb)

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