Hand #154: Jerry Vanstrydonck Eliminated in 3rd Place ($196,829)

Jan 28, 2010

Hoyt Corkins raises from the button to 200,000, Jerry Vanstrydonck moves all in from the big blind for 1,610,000, and Hoyt pauses for a few seconds before he calls with [KcQs]. Vanstrydonck shows [9d8d], and he’ll need to improve to stay alive. 

The board comes [7c4h2cAd10d], and Hoyt Corkins wins the pot with king high. Jerry Vanstrydonck is eliminated in third place, earning $196,829. 

Seat 2:  Hoyt Corkins  –  3,635,000

Seat 3:  Jonathan Kantor  –  2,665,000

Seat 4:  Jerry Vanstrydonck  –  Out in 3rd Place ($196,829)

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