Hand #15: Lukasz Adamczewski Eliminated by Iulian Tataru in 8th Place (€13,700)

Apr 15, 2024

Lukasz Adamczewski
Photo: Lukasz Adamczewski

Hand #15 – Lukasz Adamczewski uses a time bank before moving all in for 1,150,000 from early position. Iulian Tataru calls from the cutoff to put him at risk.

Lukasz Adamczewski: Diamond JSpade J
Iulian Tataru: Spade ADiamond Q

The board comes Heart 9Club 7Diamond 5Spade QClub 10, pairing Tataru’s queen on the turn to win the hand and bring the second elimination of the day.

Iulian Tataru – 4,100,000 (41 bb)
Lukasz Adamczewski – eliminated in 8th place (€13,700)

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