Hand #15: A.J. Kelsall Doubles Thru Paul Volpe for 895K

Jan 29, 2019

A.J. Kelsall

In Hand #15 of hand-for-hand play on the Money Bubble, A.J. Kelsall (pictured) is all in from the hijack for 440,000 with Spade AClub A, and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive against Paul Volpe’s Heart ASpade K on the button.

Volpe says, “I almost flatted.”

The flop comes Diamond 10Spade 5Spade 3, and Volpe says, “How about a wheel draw?”

The turn card is the Heart 2, giving both players identical wheel draws to a five-high straight.

The river card pairs the board with the Club 2, and Kelsall wins the pot with his pocket aces to double up in chips.

A.J. Kelsall  –  895,000  (149 bb)
Paul Volpe  –  210,000  (35 bb)

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