Hand #146: Garrett Greer Doubles Thru Hyoung Chae

Apr 20, 2016

Garrett Greer

Hand #146  –  Garrett Greer raises from the button to 650,000, Hyoung Chae reraises from the small blind to 1,600,000, and Greer thinks for a bit before he calls. The flop comes Diamond JHeart 9Spade 3, Chae bets 2,000,000, and Greer calls.

The turn card is the Heart 10, Chae moves all in, and Greer quickly calls all in for 7,200,000 with Diamond 3Club 3 for a set of threes. Chae turns over Heart ASpade J for a pair of jacks — he’s drawing dead.

The meaningless river card is the Club 8, and Greer wins the pot with his set to double up in chips.

Seat 1.  Hyoung Chae  –  1,075,000  (4 bb)
Seat 5.  Justin Young  –  13,300,000  (44 bb)
Seat 6.  Garrett Greer  –  22,225,000  (74 bb)

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