Hand #140: Garrett Greer Shoves the Flop vs. Hyoung Chae

Apr 20, 2016

Hyoung Chae

Hand #140  –  Garrett Greer raises from the button to 600,000, Hyoung Chae (pictured above) reraises from the small blind to 1,600,000, and Greer thinks for a while before he calls. The flop comes Spade 4Spade 3Heart 2, Chae bets 2,000,000, Greer moves all in for 7,225,000, and Chae asks for an exact count.

Chae tanks for more than two minutes before he folds, and Greer takes the pot.

Seat 1.  Hyoung Chae  –  9,275,000 (31 bb)
Seat 5.  Justin Young  –  14,300,000 (48 bb)
Seat 6.  Garrett Greer  –  13,075,000 (44 bb)

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