Hand #14: Aaron Kupin Eliminated in 6th Place ($176,000)

May 29, 2024

Aaron KupinPhoto:  Aaron Kupin

Aaron Kupin raises under the gun to 550,000, Dylan Smith reraises from the cutoff to 1,200,000, and Kupin thinks for a while before he moves all in for 4,675,000.

Smith snap-calls with Heart KClub K, and Kupin turns over Spade 10Heart 10. Kupin needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Club 9Club 8Spade 5Club QSpade 8, and Kupin turns a gutshot straight draw, but improves no further. Smith wins the pot with his pocket kings to eliminate Kupin in sixth place.

Seat 1.  Aaron Kupin  –  Eliminated in 6th Place  ($176,000)
Seat 2.  Jesse Lonis  –  12,350,000
Seat 3.  Dylan Smith  –  26,575,000
Seat 4.  Alex Queen  –  20,725,000
Seat 5.  Landon Tice  –  11,575,000
Seat 6.  Josh Reichard  –  22,175,000

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