Hand #137: Quoc Pham Out in 3rd Place

Mar 19, 2014

Quoc Pham_WPT Rolling Thunder S12_Giron_8JG3358

Quoc Pham moves all in from the button for 705,000, and J.C. Tran asks for an exact count and thinks for a bit before calling from the big blind with [Qh10s]. Pham turns over [7d6d], and he needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes [Kh10c8d8h2h], and Tran wins the pot with two pair, tens and eights, to eliminate Quoc Pham in third place.

Seat 1.  Preston Harwell  –  8,415,000
Seat 5.  J.C. Tran  –  5,535,000
Seat 6.  Quoc Pham  –  Out in 3rd Place  ($127,140)

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