Hand #135-136: Jereld Sam Takes The Lead

Aug 19, 2024

Hand #135: Kosei Oguri opens 1,800,000 from the button, big blind Jereld Sam calls, they proceed to check the flop Heart 5Diamond 7Spade 7. Sam leads out 1,800,000 on the turn Heart 9, Oguri calls, and another 4,000,000 by Sam on the river Heart 6. Oguri folds. 

Hand #136: From the button, Jereld Sam opens 1,800,000, Kosei Oguri defends the big blind. On the flop Heart 5Heart 3Diamond 9, Sam continues for 1,800,000, Oguri check-raises 4,400,000, Sam calls. More chips dumped on the turn Spade A with Sam sending out 5,000,000 that’s check-called. On the river Club 4, Sam slides out another 5,000,000, Oguri tanks using up his last time bank then calls. 

Sam flips over Club ADiamond Q, Oguri has Heart 4Diamond 6. Sam has now taken the lead.

Jereld Sam – 42,920,000 (53 bb)
Kosei Oguri – 23,700,000 (29 bb)

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