Hand #131: Carlos Mortensen Doubles Through Mike Mustafa

Mar 24, 2010

Mustafa limps for 60,000, and Mortensen checks. The flop comes [10d9d6s], Mortensen checks, Mustafa bets 90,000, Mortensen check-raises to 300,000, and Mustafa thinks for about 30 seconds before he says, "All in."

Mortensen instacalls with [8h7c] for a flopped ten-high straight, and Mustafa turns over [10c9h] for top two pair (tens and nines). The two players are nearly even in chips, so whoever loses this pot will bust or be crippled.

The turn card is the [Js], and Mustafa needs a ten or a nine to stay alive.

The river card is the [3d], and Carlos Mortensen wins the pot with a jack-high straight.

The chip stacks are counted down, and Mustafa barely covers Mortensen’s stack. Mortensen doubles up, and Mustafa is crippled to a couple of big blinds.

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