Hands #130-133: Dmitry Lineberg Doubles Through Sandor Mate

May 15, 2023

Dmitry Lineburg
Photo: Dmitry Lineburg

Hand #130: Marco Niederdeppe raises to 425,000 in the small blind and Dmitry Lineberg folds. 

Hand #131: Sandor Mate gets a walk.

Hand #132: Dmitry Lineberg moves all in from the button for 2,400,000 and in the small blind Sandor Mate moves all in for more and the hands are turned up. 

Dmitry Lineberg: Diamond KClub 4 
Sandor Mate: Diamond ADiamond J 

The board runs out Spade 9Diamond 7Spade 6Spade 3X 4 and Lineberg rivers a pair of fours to stay alive in the tournament. 

Dmitry Lineberg – 5,100,000 (27 bb)
Sandor Mate – 6,000,000 (30 bb)

Hand #133: Sandor Mate raises to 1,000,000 on the button and everyone folds. 

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