Hand #13: Vlad Mezheritsky Out in 5th Place ($213,650)

Jan 31, 2014

Vlad Mezheritsky Anthony Merulla raises under the gun to 215,000, David Paredes calls from the button, and Vlad Mezheritsky moves all in from the small blind for 1,375,000.

Merulla folds, and Paredes calls with [JhJs]. Mezheritsky turns over [AcKh], and he’ll need to improve to stay alive.

The board comes [AdJc7h2dQs] — Mezheritsky pairs his ace in the window, but Paredes flops a set of jacks to win the pot. Mezheritsky is eliminated in fifth place.

Seat 1.  Vlad Mezheritsky  –  Out in 5th Place  ($213,650)
Seat 2.  Jared Jaffee  –  1,430,000  (143 bb)
Seat 3.  Anthony Maio  –  8,370,000  (83 bb)
Seat 4.  Anthony Merulla  –  9,460,000  (94 bb)
Seat 5.  David Paredes  –  17,410,000  (174 bb)

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