Hand #13: Eliminations of Markus Brunner and Marko Pantelic End Day 1C

Sep 8, 2023

Markus Brunner bubble boyPhoto: Markus Brunner (standing at seat 5) was one of two bubble eliminations

On the 13th hand of bubble play, a dramatic pair of eliminations has ended Day 1C.

First, at Table 41, Markus Brunner moves all in for 40,000 in middle position and gets called by Zoltan Bene in the big blind. Showdown is paused there as play continues on other tables, including Table 40 where Marko Pantelic and Salih Atac are building a sizeable pot.

On a Heart KSpade 8Diamond 5 flop, Atac checks his big blind to Pantelic in middle position who bets 34,000 and gets called. The turn brings the Club 6 and Atac checks again.

Pantelic moves all in for 113,000, well covered by Atac who snap-calls. A final table completes play and the pair of showdowns is revealed.

Table 40:
Marko Pantelic: Spade AHeart A
Salih Atac: Spade KHeart 6

Atac’s turned two pair of kings and sixes is ahead of Pantelic’s aces, and after the Diamond 10 river fails to help Pantelic, he is eliminated.

Table 41:
Markus Brunner: Club ADiamond K
Zoltan Bene: Heart ADiamond J

Brunner is in good shape to survive and advance to Day 2, but the dealer spreads a board of Spade 7Diamond 10Heart 7Heart JClub 9, pairing Bene’s jack on the turn to end his day as well.

As there are no payouts for failing to advance to Day 2, both players are eliminated on the bubble with no money to show for it. Just the chance to come back Saturday for the final two opening flights.

Salih Atac – 516,000
Zoltan Bene – 219,000
Markus Brunner – eliminated
Marko Pantelic – eliminated

Marko Pantelic bubble boyPhoto: Marko Pantelic’s aces were cracked on the bubble, sending him home empty-handed

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