Hand #122: Yakiv Syzghanov Doubles

Feb 5, 2024

Yakiv Syzghanov and Laurent Michot
Photo:  Yakiv Syzghanov

Yakiv Syzghanov open-shoves and Laurent Michot snap-calls to put him at risk. 

Syzghanov flips over Spade KDiamond 9 but needs to improve against the Heart AHeart 8 of Michot. 

Fortunately for him, a king appears right in the window of the Club KClub 2Diamond 4 flop to give him the lead. 

The runout of Club 7Heart 7 fails to provide an ace for Michot and the pot is awarded to Syzghanov for a double. 

Yakiv Syzghanov – 13,000,000 (26 bb)
Laurent Michot – 24,900,000 (50 bb)

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